Solar power is essential to our future economy, health, and stabilization of climate.
climate, energy, environmental economics, environmental policy, faculty, renewable energy
Solar power is essential to our future economy, health, and stabilization of climate.
Laudable progress, but it seems that the declaration of net zero emissions may not be sustainable beyond 2024.
Overall, the energy used in BECCS adds about 30% to the carbon emissions to the atmosphere from burning biomass directly.
biofuels have had huge economic benefits to the agricultural sector, but they are associated with increased emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere,
if we are serious about mitigating climate change, we must shift our attention to sources of energy that emit no greenhouse gases to the atmosphere
The hydrogen content of the atmosphere has increased 70% since the late 1800s,
A lot of the proven reserves of fossil fuels must remain in the ground—never to be exploited.
Removing 5% of annual emissions by the spreading of rock dust on agricultural lands worldwide is a band-aid approach to a global hemorrhage.
Fracking promises that we will delay the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy.
We are seeing an increasing denial of science by the general public—often spread by cell phone and social media.