Buy a live Christmas tree and plant it in the early spring when it can resume its role to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Category: forests
With the ongoing changes in global climate, will species move fast enough to keep up with favorable habitats
What Ever Happened to Acid Rain?
A cap-and-trade program was put into effect by President George H.W. Bush to curtail SO2 emissions from power plants.
Preparing for a Drought-prone World
Future drought is likely to have major effects on natural landscapes and the plants that inhabit them.
Oxygen in the atmosphere
I am not at all worried about the world running out of oxygen anytime soon.
Biofuel forests for the future?
The forest products industry likes to cut trees, but trees are the most efficient way we know to remove CO2 from the atmosphere.
Maple sugaring, which dates back to the indigenous peoples of North America, is an elegant mix of biology, physics, and patience.
biogeochemistry, carbon sequestration, conservation, faculty, forests, lakes and streams
Designer Ecosystems
Global survey of restoration projects found only 25% of the ecosystem services provided by nature were found in the restored systems.
biogeochemistry, carbon sequestration, climate, faculty, forests, population growth
Human carbon
there is a direct and powerful correlation between the rise of the human population and the rise of CO2 in Earth’s atmosphere during the past few decades.
The Missing Sink
Growing forests remove CO2 from the atmosphere, mitigating the global warming problem brought on by fossil fuel combustion.