I watched a TED Talk by the policy advisor Simon Anholt the other day, titled “Who would the rest of the world vote for in your country’s election?” He asserted the following: “I think that ifContinue reading
Author: Anne Martin
alumni, climate, conservation, environmental economics, environmental health, environmental policy, marine studies, sustainability, travel, water
How Commercial Fishing Threatens Costa Rica’s Seas
Costa Rica’s coasts, long renowned for being rich in biodiversity, have recently come under attack by industrial fishing. While living in the country for 10 months as a Hart Leadership Fellow, I interviewed fishermen onContinue reading
alumni, climate, conservation, environmental health, environmental policy, sustainability, water
Early Morning Magic

I walked down the beach as the sun rose…soft sand under my feet, slowly dusting my heels with little golden rocks. I sat down at the point to watch the early morning surfers and letContinue reading
alumni, climate, conservation, energy, environmental health, environmental policy, forests, sustainability, travel, water
Reforesting the Land in Costa Rica and Rethinking Grazing

Since the 1950s, nearly 60% of Costa Rica’s forests have been cut at one period in time for the purpose of ranching.[i] Cows now graze on an estimated 35.5% of Costa Rica’s landmass, and accountContinue reading
alumni, climate, conservation, environmental health, environmental policy, marine studies, travel, water
Lessons from a Day at Sea

It was the first truly warm day in Malibu, California—nearing 70 degrees. The sun had come up early, and sunshine poured down over the landscape in long sweeps of gold. I looked eagerly out theContinue reading
alumni, climate, conservation, environmental economics, environmental health, environmental policy, marine studies, sustainability, travel, water
Save our Seagrass

Did you ever imagine that such an unassuming ecosystem could be so essential to life on this planet?
Sunrise Salutations along the Rejuvenated Southern California Coast

My favorite time of day is sunrise. I wake up generally every day between 5:30 and 6 AM. This leaves me enough time to make a breakfast big enough for five, and sneak inContinue reading
alumni, climate, conservation, energy, environmental economics, environmental health, environmental policy, marine studies, sustainability, water
Lessons from the Oroville Dam

Maybe, just maybe, what is happening at Oroville will begin to wake up the American public to what is happening all around them when it comes to dams.
alumni, climate, conservation, environmental economics, environmental health, environmental policy, marine studies, students, sustainability, water
Innovation and marine protection in Seychelles

When people mention the Republic of Seychelles, plush beach vacations most often come to mind. However, these islands may soon be known for something else: marine reserves. With the help of the Nature Conservancy, SeychellesContinue reading
alumni, climate, conservation, energy, environmental economics, environmental health, environmental policy, students, sustainability, travel, water
Environmentalism during the reign of Trump

What will happen to U.S. environmentalism during the reign of Trump? According to Trump’s “America First Energy Plan”, the administration plans to eliminate “harmful and unnecessary policies,” which evidently include the Climate Action Plan andContinue reading