On a trip to Mexico, Jill Hamilton (MEM’18) got a chance to see the economic, environmental and socially-sustainable fishing practices being used by a Yucatan fishing cooperative.
Category: travel
Your memory is waterproof
Jill Hamilton tells the story of a diving trip to Cozumel, Mexico, for a weeklong coral reef biology course.
El mar que nos une | The sea that unites us
For the first time in many years, I didn’t anticipate fireworks as the sun began to set on the 4th of July. Instead, I found myself in a car reminiscent of 1950s America, drivingContinue reading
Upwelling: Stories of Science and Policy
The Ocean Policy Working Group (OPWG) is a student organization at Duke University designed to facilitate cross-disciplinary discussions on human interactions with the ocean. For the 2016-2017 academic year, I’m serving as OPWG’s Publication Coordinator,Continue reading
A Need for Environmental Optimism
When working to protect the environment, sometimes it’s hard to be optimistic. Over the course of my undergraduate and graduate career, I’ve sat through countless lectures detailing the environmental woes of our planet, read papers onContinue reading
Paper Parks and the Challenges of Marine Management
In the summer of 2014, I found myself in the back of a colorful taxi van, flying down the winding roads of St. Kitts on my way to Nevis, the island where I wouldContinue reading