A rose by any other name might smell as sweet, but that rose’s label matters more than you know. According to a Scientific American article, roughly 100 million roses are traded every year for Valentine’sContinue reading
A rose by any other name might smell as sweet, but that rose’s label matters more than you know. According to a Scientific American article, roughly 100 million roses are traded every year for Valentine’sContinue reading
You may have heard that California is in a drought, inspiring tongue-in-cheek articles like these: http://www.thewhiskeyjournal.com/nasa-finds-evidence-of-water-on-surface-of-california/ (“NASA finds evidence of water on surface of California”) and http://www.theonion.com/americanvoices/nasa-california-has-one-year-of-water-left-38224 (NASA finds that California has one year ofContinue reading