The most underrated tool in the fight against climate change might just be right under your feet. That’s right: land is storing epic amounts of carbon that could otherwise warm the atmosphere. It’s sequestered inContinue reading
Category: forests
Carbon Offsets for Conservation
Because many carbon offset projects relate to forests, wetlands and other natural land uses, they also may provide a significant benefit in some areas for conservation of land and ecosystems. My Master’s Project looked to find what role carbon offsets play in promoting conservation in North Carolina.
Farms and Forests: the Future of Federal Climate Policy?
What will it take to reduce our national greenhouse gas emissions by 80% in 2050? That is a question I’ve been grappling with all year as part of Duke’s Bass Connections program, an initiative thatContinue reading
Hiking for the Holidays (a new reason to love public land)
“Come forth into the light of things. Let nature be your teacher.” -William Wordsworth Some holiday traditions are as old as family lore, passed down from grandparents to mothers and fathers and then toContinue reading
Cash for conservation: Lessons from around the world
Anyone can talk about how to save the rainforest. Any class can analyze from afar the pros and cons of conservation strategies carried out halfway around the globe. But I only know of one classContinue reading
climate, conservation, EEP, environmental economics, environmental health, environmental policy, forests, students, sustainability, water
How Much is an Ecosystem Worth?
Earlier this month, I had the opportunity be a part of “A Community on Ecosystem Services” (ACES for short) in Jacksonville, Florida. Through the ACES conference, which was attended by over 500 federal agency employees, academicContinue reading