I remain determined to visit all of the 175 state parks, trails and historic sites in Florida. In December, I officially crossed the three-digit threshold, and my current total stands at 101.
I remain determined to visit all of the 175 state parks, trails and historic sites in Florida. In December, I officially crossed the three-digit threshold, and my current total stands at 101.
On May 13, smack in the middle of Mother’s Day weekend, birders fanned out across the world to count birds as well as bird species. Organized by eBird, an online bird observation platform run byContinue reading
In the midst of patchwork agricultural fields, grown tall with corn, my husband and I discovered Moores Creek National Battlefield. I use the word “discover” loosely, as the battlefield is clearly marked on the ruralContinue reading
In my house, car and office, one will find a wide variety of checklists and site passports. On my couch sits a bright blue passport book listing National Wildlife Refuges, complete with refuge descriptions and aContinue reading
In health class, we often learned about food pyramids. Whole grains are on the bottom, because we need 5-7 servings per day. At the next level, we have fruits and veggies (two servings a dayContinue reading
I recently went on a camping trip to a few Florida State Parks, enjoying the relaxed atmosphere of sun-filled fall afternoons. Relishing the lack of a schedule, I reclined on my sleeping bag for aContinue reading
In 1991, the New York Times ran an article entitled: “Ecotourism: Can it Protect the Planet?” You’ll notice that, fifteen years later, I am asking myself the same question. Eric Weiner – author of theContinue reading
Erika birds California for the first time, discovering five new life birds during her first day at Berkeley.
I have seen a lot of sunsets in my life. My memory is peppered with bright red and gold skies along beaches, on walks home from campus, and across mountaintop vistas, but my experience with sunrises are much more sporadic. A few road trips, early morning flights here and there, but by and large I have missed one half of the world’s most beautiful sunlight displays.
This morning I woke up, turned on my cell phone, and knew what the sunset looked like in Japan. I saw a European Robin in England, all puffed up against the cold. I looked in awe at snowy peaks in the Himalayas. All without getting out of bed.