Leaving is always a bitter sweet feeling. While I cannot wait to get my hands on some Chipotle and milk, and will not miss the noseeums/biting midges, I will go through a difficult diving withdrawalContinue reading
Category: Sustainable Tourism in the Bahamas
Reflections: How is it August?
Four months ago, I expected my summer to be spent somewhere in the hustle and bustle of downtown Washington, D.C., researching and writing memos on various environmental issues. It did not even occur to meContinue reading
Theory to Practice Time!
So this week has been very busy. The panels, tanks, heat exchanger, wood, piping, fittings, and the rest of our building materials have finally arrived! We borrowed a welder, a carpenter, and a backhoe fromContinue reading
internships, students, sustainability, Sustainable Tourism in the Bahamas, travel, water
Jungle Trek and Cave Diving
Yesterday while at breakfast, I casually ran into Brian Kakuk, a world renowned cave diver. He is the Director of the Bahamas Cave Research Foundation, owner of the Bahamas Underground Technical Diving Facility, a diverContinue reading
internships, students, sustainability, Sustainable Tourism in the Bahamas, travel, water
Pulling together a Solar Hot Water System for Small Hope
Working with Small Hope Bay Lodge has been an incredible experience and opportunity to see a project go from vision to completion. The main objectives for the project is to design a working solar hotContinue reading
Trip To Abaco
The past week has been a whirlwind! The owner of Small Hope, Jeff, connected me with a local solar photovoltaic (pv) installer and set up a meeting for us on Abaco Island last Thursday. TheContinue reading
I’m not sure what I imagined crabbing involved but I certainly didn’t think it involved tracking through the woods with sticks and flashlights. Andros experiences an invasion of land crabs every summer. I have beenContinue reading
Turtles, Sharks, and Lionfish!
I finally got back into scuba diving! I was certified 4 years ago but never had the chance, time, or money to continue the sport. What better opportunity than a summer in the Bahamas, right?Continue reading
Arriving at Small Hope Bay Lodge
This summer I am working with Small Hope Bay Lodge, a family owned dive resort in Andros, the largest island in the Bahamas. Andros is one of the less populated islands out of the 26Continue reading
First Day At Work
Over the past few days, I have gotten to know the rest of the family of staff at Small Bay Hope Lodge and its guests. From the owners to the divemasters, everyone at Small HopeContinue reading