A week ago, I moved one of the cameras. It had collected great photographs at one of the waterholes, but I noticed that the animals were a bit far away. In the event thatContinue reading
Author: Matt Rogan
You win some, you lose some
“You’re going to be excited about the pictures today,” Kate said to me as I was packing my backpack with spare sets of batteries, extra memory cards, my camera, my computer, two GPS units, water,Continue reading
The First Photos
It’s been four days since we finished setting up the camera traps, and we’ve collected the first round of photos. The good news? We got a ton of data–almost 20,000 images from the twenty cameras.Continue reading
Choosing a Camera Site
Last week I mentioned that I’ve been scouting Neuras for camera trap sites. You may be wondering, what makes a good site? We have twenty cameras with two cameras at each site, or ten sitesContinue reading
Welcome to Neuras
If I’m going to tell you all about my adventures at Neuras, it helps to know a little bit about the area. The Neuras Wine and Wildlife Estate comprises 56 square miles of semi-desertContinue reading
An Introduction to Camera Trapping Carnivores
Last week, Kate and I headed northwest from the Neuras lodge, past the airstrip, to the Tsauchab riverbed. We wanted to select a suitable camera trap site for the survey, which means identifying a placeContinue reading
First Impression of a Country
Namibia is empty. I mean empty in a post-apocalyptic, only-a-few-remnants-of-humanity-remain kind of way. Sure, I could also describe the country as beautiful, varied, or populated with ethnic groups as diverse as the landscapes in whichContinue reading
What Are The Carnivores of Neuras and Why Should You Care About A Place You’ve Never Heard Of?
Chances are, you’ve never heard of Neuras. The Neuras Wine and Wildlife Estate is a large, picturesque wildlife conservancy in west –central Namibia, but perhaps its biggest claim to fame is being the driest vineyardContinue reading