When you enter the words “Why is Mexico so…” into the Google search bar, you are met with the suggestions “poor,” “bad,” “dangerous,” and “violent.” It seems that for the majority, so many stereotypes andContinue reading
Category: Gulf of California – 2016
A Final Camping Trip on Tiburon Island
The last five days of the course we camped on Tiburon Island with Ben Wilder’s class of Seri students. Ben had previously worked with Humberto, a Seri elder, to identify all of the plants onContinue reading
CEM, conservation, Duke Marine Lab, Gulf of California - 2016, marine studies, travel
Many firsts
This course has opened my eyes to an entirely new world. Not only is this my first time to Mexico, but it is my first real desert experience. I must admit that as an ocean-obsessedContinue reading
Finding water in the desert and other LDOC activities
Our Last Day(s) of Class/Camping (LDOC) was a joint venture between our class and one led by University of Arizona’s Dr. Benjamin Wilder (Ben) and his class of Comcaac (Seri) students. Our mighty pangas (boats): ElContinue reading
Camping trip at Punta Redonda: Day 2 of 3 – Marine wildlife, mangrove forest, and a lot more
We left early on the second day to visit an estuary system as Xavier mentioned that we will have a better chance in seeing things early in the day, and he is completely right! JustContinue reading
Trying to stitch everything together: Understanding the Sonoran coast
Contrary to what your ideas of this class may be, we had no idea what was going to happen during our trip here in Sonora. I don’t mean this in the sense of unexpected personalContinue reading
conservation, Gulf of California - 2016, marine studies, students, sustainability, travel
Interview with Doña Eva, a woman fish buyer from Kino, Mexico
Unlike the other students, I’ve been living in a homestay with one of the few woman fish buyers here in the 5000-person town of Kino, Sonora, Mexico. This blog post is an interview with Eva, my homestay mother, an amazing woman who has succeeded through hard work and skillful negotiation.
Three days on Tiburon
We’ve just returned from a three day camping trip on Tiburon Island, where we went with members of the Lopez and Torres families from the Seri community of Punta Chueca. We camped near the northernContinue reading
Learning about ciimque iitom
Today our class traveled for the first time to the Seri village in Punta Chueca to learn from Xavier, a Seri student and teacher of their native language, cmiique iitom. It was a pretty surrealContinue reading
Duke Marine Lab, Gulf of California - 2016, marine studies, students, sustainability, travel, undergraduate
Dancing in the Desert

When I enrolled in this class, I knew I would learn about fisheries. I did not expect that I would also learn a few new dance moves. Over the past few days our class hasContinue reading