The Emerald Isle Woods Park offers a refuge of forested trails with a view of Bogue Sound. A 40-minute drive from the Marine Lab, this park is hidden in the suburbs of Emerald Isle near the end of the barrier island.
Touring Algae Ponds at MMISS
Friday afternoon MMISS (Most Marine Informal Seminar Series) was an opportune time for my labmates to explain their new algae pond growth system to the Marine Lab community.
Why You Should Write a Letter to the Editor
Writing a letter to the editor is one of the most efficient ways of reaching large audiences. Here’s how to do it.
March for Science planned in Beaufort
The Beaufort March for Science is a peaceful, nonpartisan, inclusive event to promote science and to educate the local community about how science impacts their lives in Eastern North Carolina. Stop by to pick up free educational materials, talk to local scientists, and show your support for science.
GEST by the Numbers
A look at some data from the 2nd annual Girls Exploring Science and Technology event, and thoughts on GEST’s growth and impact.
Girls experiment with algae in annual STEM outreach event
Each year I lead an activity at the FEMMES (Females Excelling More in Math, Engineering, & Science) Capstone event on Duke’s campus. It is imperative to show younger generations of women that they can be the scientists, inventors and engineers of the future.
World Thinking Day
World Thinking Day is a Girl Scout tradition occurring annually on February 22nd. The goal is to celebrate international diversity and learn about other cultures.
Night at the Aquarium
The 5th Annual SciREN (Scientific Research and Education Network) Coast event occurred this week at the NC Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores, allowing local researchers to share lesson plans with educators from across eastern North Carolina.
Today we march, tomorrow we work
While drawing block letters, I concentrated on what they stood for. I told myself that if I did this march, I needed to commit to working for what I’d be marching for.
Increasing the reproducibility and transparency of scientific research
Frustration with other studies’ insufficiencies in data reporting led to my increased awareness of scientific transparency.