The 25th instantiation of this year’s Field Day was a grand success, with Nancy Kelly suggesting ~250 in attendance! Organized by the Student Council and the Society for American Foresters of the Nicholas School and held at Troy Couch Farm in Duke Forest, new and returning students – as well as faculty and staff – enjoyed music, food, and games on Saturday, September 10th.
Things started off on a good note with a performance by North Carolina band, Honey Magpie, featuring Kati Moore (MEM ’16) who offered fine music for the event.
Whilst the music was in the air, others were playing games in the recently mown field.
My personal favorite part of the day was the excellent food offered by the Durham-based catering company, Thrills from the Grill. The company boasts of their on-site cooking and use of biodegradable dinnerware. This grilled chicken, pictured below, was excellent.
Once lunch had concluded, things got pretty serious with a crosscutt saw competition. The best times were under half a minute, whereas mine was sadly about three times that.
Then, after making sometimes quick work of the wood, we moved into one of its formative elements: H20. The classic water balloon toss left only two groups standing dry.
And I would be mistaken if I did not mentioning the triumph of the second year MEMs over the entering class (pictured below). It was a tough competition, but at the end of the day experience seemed to make the difference… or was it a matter of the favourable slope?
Though the competition was indeed fierce, all remained amicable and enjoyed their time together in the shade of towering trees.
I will look forward to attending as an alumni.
This reminds me of field days when I was a kid… good times:)