This weekend I had the privilege of attending the Seminary Stewardship Alliance’s (SSA) annual gathering. Without reciting their mission statement, my impression is that the SSA convenes Christian higher education institutions – notably seminaries but alsoContinue reading
Category: ESC
Field Day 2016
The 25th instantiation of this year’s Field Day was a grand success, with Nancy Kelly suggesting ~250 in attendance! Organized by the Student Council and the Society for American Foresters of the Nicholas School and held atContinue reading
A Brief Survey Reflection
Thanks to Dr. Randy Kramer who provided a very pragmatic and helpful course on “Social Science Surveys,” providing a ‘soup to nuts’ crash course on survey methodology for masters students to be able to conductContinue reading
The Village and the City
It is not always clear as to what the term village refers. In some cases, it seems synonymous with what I think of as a small town (in a highly developed context)… not necessarily the definitionContinue reading
Seeing India: 6 Pictures
Aesthetically, India is fascinating. World renown for its bright colors — such as those in the air during Holi or on the streets on Saris — one only has to walk outside to see the display. Also, dueContinue reading
Empirics in Tradition
On the cover of the April 8, 1966 edition of Time Magazine was the stark red lettered question, Is God Dead? This question was posed about four years before the first Earth Day. The provocativeContinue reading
Conservation History in Social Space
The American conservation movement – beginning in the early 19th century – has been critiqued for privileging wilderness over ‘working landscapes’ as well as for marking wild places as spaces of privilege. This movement is associatedContinue reading
What is Nature?
What is Nature? This is a longstanding question which continues to trouble us.
Here I provide an account of the 12/7/15 discussion which contemplated this seemingly banal but overwhelmingly complex question. I follow my brief review with a series of remarks offered as an invitation for subsequent blogs to address this topic.
Temporal Scale & Death
For the overburdened or procrastinators, the end of fall semester is an opportunity to play catch up on that which has been piled aside.
alumni, climate, conservation, environmental health, environmental policy, ESC, students, sustainability
Social Innovation in Conservation: Seminar in Review
An evening of sharing new innovations, focusing on conservation projects extending the social reach of the conservation field