200+ Use Cases in the Energy Sector?
Let’s Dissect Fact v. Fiction
- It’s estimated that over $300M has been invested in companies focused on blockchain uses in the energy sector. More broadly, the cryptocurrency market, related but not the same, is valued at roughly $500B. That is, unless the market price went up or down 20% in the last day. #volatility In this blog, IronOak’s Dr. Chris Clement discusses some real uses cases for blockchain energy innovation, as well as instances where hype may exceed reality. (Sorry, but free energy is not one of the possibilities.)
Mastercard and Off-Grid Solar in Africa:
Big Finance Goes Small to Grow Bigger (?)
- Off-grid solar firm M-KOPA is a leader in pay-as-you-go (PAYG) solar opportunities in East Africa. Imagine farmers living eight hours from the capital city making daily payments to top up their solar accounts by scanning a QR code from a smartphone. This service is already serving 3 million customers in Africa. But there are over 1 billion people who lack access to electricity. And now Mastercard wants in on the game. The lines are blurring between doing good and growing top line. What was once charity is now high-growth private sector opportunity. Don’t you just love that? Thanks to PV Tech and Tom Kenning for the insight.
Virtual Power Plant + Kangaroos:
50,000 Batteries Acting like One
50,000 Batteries Acting like One
- In addition to SpaceX’s record-breaking launch last week, Musk’s Tesla made headlines by announcing a plan — the largest ever (are you surprised?) — for 50,000 batteries + solar installations in public housing across Australia. All at no cost to the customer, it’s meant to help address the utility’s problems with blackouts. The 4-year program is expected to lower homeowner’s power bills by 30% and make them feel, like, uh, way hipper, and just a little closer to their future trip to Mars.Learn more from Fortune.
Lessons from a Pioneer with Perfect Name:
Nancy Pfund, DBL Partners
- On your next commute, check out the latest podcast interview from “Watt It Takes,” a production of GTM and Powerhouse. Nancy Pfund — founder DBL Partners, aka, “Double Bottom Line” — shares insights about building cleantech careers (hers was non-traditional) and VC investing (wait, isn’t that dead?). Her experience includes raising multi-hundred-million-dollar cleantech VC funds and investing in names like Tesla, SolarCity, Off Grid Electric, PowerLight, NEXTracker, and Advanced Microgrid Solutions. Listen to it here.
VC Investments Up 2x;
Project Finance up 36x
VC Investments Up 2x;
Project Finance up 36x
- 2017 saw the following: $714M of VC investments across 30 deals (up from $365M across 38 deals in 2016). This sounds promising, but note that $400M of that big 2017 number went to Microvast, a Chinese lithium battery maker. The other top four recipients of VC funds were BESS (UK developer), Foresee (second-hand EV battery deployment), AMS (C&I developer), and Primus (flow battery manufacturer).Project finance gains were even more dramatic: $1.2B committed in 2017, with just $33M invested in 2016. Despite these gains, many CEOs tell us they see energy storage as still being “18 months away.” Thanks to Mercom for the data.
The Grid’s Growing Pains:
More Devices, Higher Volume, Micro Transactions
The Grid’s Growing Pains:
More Devices, Higher Volume, Micro Transactions
- Utility Dive nailed this one: The power grid of tomorrow will be full of “armies of smaller resources connected and helping balance supply and demand.” That’s, of course, benevolent armies of greentech ninjas. And so often, I’m asked about why blockchain matters in the energy sector. Here’s a good answer: “Blockchain allows for validation of transactions rapidly, cheaply and publicly, helping reduce data risks and speeding the authentication process.”Nice article, Robert Walton.
[These snippets originally appeared in the weekly newsletter for IronOak Energy Capital.]