What happens when new technology clashes with old technology? In the case of energy tech startups, this can be a formidable battle.
Tesla Versus Everybody
Tesla’s emergence as an energy ecosystem provider presents an enviable business model. It’s not so much that each product line is necessary the best of its kind in these respective categories, but it’s the fact that they are challenging everyone else in the game to break out of their core competencies.
Top 5 Things I Learned from NCSEA’s Clean Energy Finance Conference
One of the best things about being a Duke graduate student, focusing on energy, is the plethora of out-of-the-classroom learning opportunities. Earlier in November, a group of undergrad & grad students attended the North CarolinaContinue reading
Austin, Texas, Career Trek Recap
Soli Shin (MEM’18) recaps the annual Nicholas School Energy Club Career Trek by picking her top three takeaways from each stop along the trip to Texas.
My Top 10 Picks from Back-to-back Conferences

During the first month of school, I was lucky enough to attend two conferences back-to-back on the West Coast. I experienced far more than can ever fit on a Top-10 list but here are my hot takes & highlights.
Micro, But Not Minor: Communities Choose Clean Energy
As an Environmental Fellow placed at the Environmental Defense Fund, I earned the opportunity to serve the Clean Energy team in my hometown, New York City. In my position, I was able to interface withContinue reading
5 Things That They Don’t Tell You Before Grad School

As Soli Shin (MEM’18) finishes her first year of graduate school, she reflects on what she’s learned.
EPIC Things Happening in Charlotte
On a rainy Wednesday in April, a van of energy students from Duke University rollicked over to Charlotte, N.C. One of the most exciting locations we got to visit was the Energy Production and InfrastructureContinue reading
What’s #Trending? The Answer is Always Power!
Last month, I got to attend Power Trends, a panel discussion hosted by the Duke Energy Initiative, where alums of Duke expounded on future trends in the energy space in and around North Carolina. WeContinue reading
Full Report: Clean Energy Trek to California
Following up on my last post, I have since returned from San Francisco. The experience that I had with my peers during the 2017 Nicholas Clean Energy Tech trip has been one of my favoriteContinue reading