In the short-term, forests harvested for biomass energy actually put more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than burning fossil fuels,
carbon sequestration, climate, environmental policy, faculty, forests, marine studies
marine studies
In the short-term, forests harvested for biomass energy actually put more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than burning fossil fuels,
Tide gages show rising seas along nearly all of the East Coast, despite the efforts of some politicians to ignore it
Changes in the currents in the world’s oceans are known to have affected climate in the past, and are likely to affect climate in the future
What astounded us is the sheer volume of nylon line discarded by fishing boats
Noise in the sea is of immediate relevance to life in the sea
Loss of the ice caps on Greenland and Antarctica was associated with a dramatic rise in sea level during past glacial cycles
As the ocean’s stocks of fishes have been depleted under existing policy, some dramatic new changes are needed.
Overall the blame for plastic pollution rests on you and me.
Where the surf meets the turf, the world’s coastlines harbor a number of specialized marine habitats, including estuaries, salt marshes and tidal flats. Many of these are among the Earth’s most productive ecosystems, harboring coastalContinue reading
It is easy to overlook the life under sea ice in the Antarctic, but as climate warms, sea ice will diminish and so will the growth of algae that depends on it