In my house, car and office, one will find a wide variety of checklists and site passports. On my couch sits a bright blue passport book listing National Wildlife Refuges, complete with refuge descriptions and aContinue reading
Category: leadership
GEST by the Numbers
A look at some data from the 2nd annual Girls Exploring Science and Technology event, and thoughts on GEST’s growth and impact.
How much nature do you need?
In health class, we often learned about food pyramids. Whole grains are on the bottom, because we need 5-7 servings per day. At the next level, we have fruits and veggies (two servings a dayContinue reading
Delisting the Manatee
Sigh. These days it’s no fun to read the news. Most of the environmental stories are bad, and even the “good” ones don’t hold up to closer inspection. Take the West Indian Manatee, which livesContinue reading
So you’re going to discuss climate change
A good friend of mine from college and I had a brief conversation about climate change just before the holidays. After being ignored for most of the election season (in my opinion), climate change hasContinue reading
The importance of long-term research
As February transitioned into March, I was far from home. Leaving the long leaf pines and palm trees behind in Florida, I flew to Phoenix for a road trip up the West Coast. From PhoenixContinue reading
Girls experiment with algae in annual STEM outreach event
Each year I lead an activity at the FEMMES (Females Excelling More in Math, Engineering, & Science) Capstone event on Duke’s campus. It is imperative to show younger generations of women that they can be the scientists, inventors and engineers of the future.
World Thinking Day
World Thinking Day is a Girl Scout tradition occurring annually on February 22nd. The goal is to celebrate international diversity and learn about other cultures.
Night at the Aquarium
The 5th Annual SciREN (Scientific Research and Education Network) Coast event occurred this week at the NC Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores, allowing local researchers to share lesson plans with educators from across eastern North Carolina.
Snorkeling in Key West’s protected marine areas
In mid-January, I hopped on a boat from a Key West, Florida, harbor with my colleagues from the Natural Resources Leadership Institute. As the sun rose higher in the morning sky, we diligently applied sunContinue reading