Cutting food waste in half would save 8% of greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere—even more if we were to consume less beef in our diet.
Category: food
Will the Cornucopia Run Dry?
The southwestern United States is nearing a global-warming exacerbated drought of record-breaking length and intensity
The Planetary Toll of Your Morning Coffee
When you decide to have a cup of coffee, you have already made your largest contribution to the energy used to deliver coffee to your cup.
Food Energy
there is no doubt that a vegetarian diet would have much less impact on the climate.
The Climate Underground
We can’t count on better management of soils to solve the climate crisis
Nitrogen Pollution
Nearly all nitrogen pollution stems from agriculture, which strives to feed more than 7 billion of us with low-cost abundance.
When Bigger is Better
As the ocean’s stocks of fishes have been depleted under existing policy, some dramatic new changes are needed.
biodiversity, conservation, environmental policy, faculty, food, natural habitat, population growth
We must look beyond the self-centered view that we are the only masters of our own survival.
Super Plants?
It has been of great interest among plant geneticists to develop other crop plants that avoid photorespiration.
How Green is Your Milk?
Soy milk seems to leave the smallest footprint on the environment.