biofuels have had huge economic benefits to the agricultural sector, but they are associated with increased emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere,
agriculture, climate, energy, environmental policy, faculty, fossil fuels, renewable energy
environmental policy
biofuels have had huge economic benefits to the agricultural sector, but they are associated with increased emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere,
The circulation and behavior of the atmosphere connects our world, ensuring that what happens anywhere on Earth is felt everywhere.
Suggestions that we can mitigate the impact of fossil fuel combustion by increasing carbon storage in soils are bogus.
Only with a population growth rate of zero might we have some hope for planetary stability.
Decisions made without science are derived from folklore or superstition
In the short-term, forests harvested for biomass energy actually put more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than burning fossil fuels,
Removing 5% of annual emissions by the spreading of rock dust on agricultural lands worldwide is a band-aid approach to a global hemorrhage.
The southwestern United States is nearing a global-warming exacerbated drought of record-breaking length and intensity
We are seeing an increasing denial of science by the general public—often spread by cell phone and social media.
Recognizing that it is part of our nation’s heritage, the Wood Thrush is…protected by the Migratory Bird Protection Act (MBPA) of 1918.