if we are serious about mitigating climate change, we must shift our attention to sources of energy that emit no greenhouse gases to the atmosphere
carbon sequestration, climate, energy, environmental politics, faculty, forests, renewable energy
if we are serious about mitigating climate change, we must shift our attention to sources of energy that emit no greenhouse gases to the atmosphere
Make sure your trips to the recycling center are efficient
The hydrogen content of the atmosphere has increased 70% since the late 1800s,
A lot of the proven reserves of fossil fuels must remain in the ground—never to be exploited.
Most of the energy used to grow marijuana indoors stems from electricity for high-intensity growth lights.
Personal choices and environmental policies that increase vehicle occupancy will have the greatest reduction on our environmental impact.
Only with a population growth rate of zero might we have some hope for planetary stability.
Pores and cracks in the rocks host microbial activity that feeds on hydrogen generated by volcanic activity,
Removing 5% of annual emissions by the spreading of rock dust on agricultural lands worldwide is a band-aid approach to a global hemorrhage.
Fracking promises that we will delay the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy.