We need to enhance natural processes that can accelerate diversification and allow emerging habitats to select the winners.
Category: conservation
biodiversity, conservation, environmental policy, environmental politics, faculty, natural habitat
Gutting protections for migratory birds
Recognizing that it is part of our nation’s heritage, the Wood Thrush is…protected by the Migratory Bird Protection Act (MBPA) of 1918.
Never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
When we lose a species, the bell tolls for us.
A Bird in the Bush
When we lose birds, we are witnessing the continued unraveling of nature that will leave behind a less healthy and impoverished world for the future.
We need to preserve the heritage of species on all corners of the Earth.
biodiversity, conservation, environmental policy, faculty, food, natural habitat, population growth
We must look beyond the self-centered view that we are the only masters of our own survival.
On Migration: Birds and Blue Devils
I will start this post by saying I am very impressed with our bus driver. 7:30 a.m. is too early to be coherent, and I cannot imagine how Mr. Lim managed to drive and speakContinue reading
The Elephant in the Corner.
Reliance on population growth is a hollow and blunt instrument to ensure economic growth
climate, conservation, energy, environmental economics, environmental policy, faculty, renewable energy
Carbon Fees
A carbon fee program would preserve the personal choice of how we live our lives
Land Ahoy: A New Frontier for Climate Action
The most underrated tool in the fight against climate change might just be right under your feet. That’s right: land is storing epic amounts of carbon that could otherwise warm the atmosphere. It’s sequestered inContinue reading