May 4, 2019 As I sit in the airport waiting for my last flight back to North Carolina, I find myself thinking about how full of the life the Sonoran Desert is. My preconceived notionContinue reading
Category: CEM
An Earth Day Spent with the Ocean, Stars and Desert
April 24, 2019 Orion and Canis Major over my tent Tuesday night. (Photo by Katie O’Donnell). Yesterday, we returned to Kino Bay from our camping trip on the Northern side of Tiburon Island. This areaContinue reading
A Prickly Disposition
April 19, 2019 Our first camping trip in the Sonoran Desert was marked by the phrase, “Don’t worry, we have pliers.” Despite the variety of critters that make their home in the desert, the thingContinue reading
A Taste of Puerto Libertad
April 17, 2019 Nestled between the Gulf of California and the mountainous landscape of the Sonoran Desert, lies Puerto Libertad. A beautiful town that has developed along the shores of the Gulf and isContinue reading
Conversations with Fishermen
April 19, 2019 On our first field day in Mexico, we set out around 11 a.m. to the working waterfront in Kino. Although our day was just beginning, these fishermen had been since hours beforeContinue reading
A Mexican Mirage
Reflection after a trip like ours is no easy task. I find it challenging to pluck apart the lingering memories of Mexico, laughable to try describing the taste of shark or beauty of a dolphin feeding frenzy,Continue reading
Uncertainty as a way of life
Even after reviewing the syllabus multiple times from my dorm room in Chapel Hill, our three-week adventure to Mexico remained largely amorphous. While phrases like “multi-night backcountry camping,” “snorkel with sea lions,” and “visit withContinue reading
Bonfire stories
It is incredible to think that we have reached the middle of our trip. We just got back from our first camping trip with the Seri, and there is so much to talk about thatContinue reading
CEM, conservation, Duke Marine Lab, Gulf of California - 2018, marine studies, students, travel
Sea turtles, clams, and terns oh my!
Driving down an incredibly bumpy and winding desert road, soft techno music filled the air as we steadily made our way to Punta Chueca. This small Seri town situated on the Infernillo Channel had beenContinue reading
Simple Living, Rich Memories
Dinnertime in the desert never comes soon enough, until you’re the one cooking. Especially when your group is inexperienced and making it up as you go. There seemed to be too many onions, not enoughContinue reading