Pores and cracks in the rocks host microbial activity that feeds on hydrogen generated by volcanic activity,
Category: biogeochemistry
agriculture, biogeochemistry, faculty, lakes and streams, marine studies, water, water pollution
Nitrogen in Runoff
Inasmuch as the runoff of nitrogen is an interstate transport problem, managing the application of fertilizer and loss of nitrogen to runoff should be a high priority for the Federal government.
The Methane Mystery
The popularity of natural gas as a fossil fuel and its increased use are attractive candidates to explain the potential for increased leakage to the atmosphere.
The emission of carbon dioxide from the production of cement current accounts for about 5% of the total annual industrial emissions of CO2.
biogeochemistry, carbon sequestration, climate, faculty, forests, natural habitat
Negative Emissions by Forests
Trees remove a lot of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
Patriotism in a Globalized World
In a full planet isolationism is not relevant.
Nitrogen Pollution
Nearly all nitrogen pollution stems from agriculture, which strives to feed more than 7 billion of us with low-cost abundance.
Carbonyl Sulfide
If [carbonyl sulfide shows that] photosynthesis has increased, that removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, potentially mitigating climate change.
Silent but Deadly
All children are fascinated by farts. So are atmospheric chemists. Farts are produced by anaerobic (without oxygen) digestion in the intestine. About 1% of flatulence is composed of malodorous, volatile sulfur gases, derived from theContinue reading
agriculture, biodiversity, biogeochemistry, carbon sequestration, faculty, natural habitat
What Makes a Healthy Ecosystem?
[We need] a report card that grades plant production, soil organic matter, biodiversity and nutrient balance against our best measures of what they would be in a world without humans.