If Greenland were to melt completely, sea level would rise by about 7 meters (21 feet) flooding most coastal areas worldwide
Arctic, climate, environmental policy, environmental politics, faculty, marine studies, oceans, sea level
If Greenland were to melt completely, sea level would rise by about 7 meters (21 feet) flooding most coastal areas worldwide
The benefits of reducing mercury pollution deposited from the atmosphere are quickly reflected throughout the ecosystem.
Polar scientists estimate that the Arctic could be ice-free in the summer by mid-century.
Changes in the currents in the world’s oceans are known to have affected climate in the past, and are likely to affect climate in the future
Loss of the ice caps on Greenland and Antarctica was associated with a dramatic rise in sea level during past glacial cycles
Overall the blame for plastic pollution rests on you and me.
Concentrations of mercury and pesticides in the animals that live in the polar regions are a living index of the widespread human pollution of nature.
The average U.S. citizen is responsible for 16 tons of CO2 added to the atmosphere each year and nearly 50 square meters of sea-ice loss.