You can’t expect to have healthy people in a dirty environment.
Category: air pollution
air pollution
agriculture, air pollution, biodiversity, conservation, energy, environmental economics, environmental health, environmental policy, faculty, food, natural habitat, population growth, sustainability
Only with a population growth rate of zero might we have some hope for planetary stability.
agriculture, air pollution, environmental health, faculty, natural habitat, pesticides, toxicology, water
One toke over the line sweet Jesus
Marijuana production by agribusiness will likely reduce direct impacts on nature
Airborne Plastics
The microparticles in soil and sediments may persist indefinitely, casting a sedimentary record of human activity on the planet.
The Smell of the City
With the shutdown of much of the economy, we can see the human impact on air quality, and the underlying volatilization of chemicals from our activities.
air pollution, environmental health, environmental policy, environmental politics, faculty
Behind the Smoke Screen
When the dust settles, the roll-back of air pollution regulations is likely to take a larger toll on society than COVID-19.
Air Pollution vs. Cigarette Smoking
Just as second-hand smoke is a recognized health hazard, air pollution is increasingly recognized as being just as harmful to an individual’s health.
The Forests are Burning
The incidence of forest fire is likely to increase in a warmer, drier world.
Nitrogen Pollution
Nearly all nitrogen pollution stems from agriculture, which strives to feed more than 7 billion of us with low-cost abundance.
Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyls
we must depend on federal regulations that prevent the purposeful or inadvertent contaminations of the environment from affecting the health of all of us.