Methane concentrations were relatively constant in the atmosphere until the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
Category: agriculture
Closing the Nutrient Loop
Human excrement is a resource too valuable to waste.
Nitrogen in the Mississippi
It will take a long time to flush this past memory of nitrogen use out of the ecosystem.
Most of the energy used to grow marijuana indoors stems from electricity for high-intensity growth lights.
agriculture, carbon sequestration, environmental policy, environmental politics, faculty
Soil Carbon Sequestration
Suggestions that we can mitigate the impact of fossil fuel combustion by increasing carbon storage in soils are bogus.
agriculture, conservation, environmental health, faculty, food, pesticides, toxicology
Hi-test Pesticides
Don’t let statistics of declining pesticide use fool you
Costs of invasive species
Managing to reduce the transport and arrival of alien species will not be cheap
Legacy Phosphorus
The past use of phosphorus fertilizers has left of legacy of pollution that we must consider if we are to have any success in cleaning up water quality.
agriculture, biogeochemistry, faculty, lakes and streams, land use, water, water pollution
The Source of the Yellow River
the color of rivers seen from space may provide a better index of the health of rivers than simple visual observations from land
agriculture, air pollution, biodiversity, conservation, energy, environmental economics, environmental health, environmental policy, faculty, food, natural habitat, population growth, sustainability
Only with a population growth rate of zero might we have some hope for planetary stability.